

I'm a SuperNerd. So what's in this relationship for me?

Well first of all we let you out of your cages for 30 minutes every day so you can graze upon the finest Scottish grasses... 


Consult the Magic Table:

Big Brands.

From monolithic fintech contractors to national ice cream chains… There’s no shortage of household names to put in your trophy case.

Crazy Tech.

Want to know where DevOps is going to be in 5 years? Put down the fidget-spinner. We’re already way past that.  

Consistent Work.

Our partnerships mean when one contract is up, we’ve got another one — or 20 — jobs waiting.

Heavy-Hitting Partners.

Want to get great at Red Canary? Thinking SentinelOne might be a perfect tool to add to your arsenal? We’re direct partners. Hell, they’re on our Slack.

Never-Ending Support.

We pride ourselves on being there for our team. (If you can't tell, we prefer the "human approach" to everything we do).

Highly Competitive Salaries.

We offer a salary that's so competitive it ruins boardgame night for its mom, dad, and little sister salaries. 😎


We sure hope so.

Now, we’d just like to know: What can you do? What do you like to do? And when can you start? Or let's just start with your name and contact info.

Or if you're the "gung ho" type, you can also check out our open positions...